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Isaac Robinson

Isaac is a Computer Scientist who has been a member of the Wheeler lab since 2019. Although he is interested in and enjoys working with many science and math topics, his primary projects have focused on developing methods for keypoint tracking videos while maintaining object continuity, and developing infrastructure for a molecular dynamics repository.

In his freetime, he enjoys a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, running, kayaking, sledding, snowboarding, frisbee golf, roller skating, and etc. He also enjoys spending time working on various electronics projects, playing his guitar and petting his cat, Muzz.

Picture of Isaac on a hike with his family The 3 ‘boys’ of the family, out on a hike in Montana wilderness.

Picture of Isaac playing his guitar in front of his cat, Muzz Isaac playing his guitar for his biggest fan.

Isaac’s random, occasionally finished coding projects and ideas can be found on GitHub.

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