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Daniel is a PhD candidate in the Wheeler lab focusing on classical algorithms and machine learning methods as applied to the domain of biological sequences.
He is the lead researcher behind the tandem repeat detection tool, ULTRA, which was used during the development of the human T2T-CHM13 genome. ULTRA is currently being used by the sequence annotation ajudication tool, AUORORA and will soon be incorporated into Repeat Masker.
Daniel also led the research and development of a neural prefilter for homology search, NEAR. NEAR will soon be incorporated into the homology search tool nail.

Selected Publications
- 2024 | Daniel R Olson, Travis J Wheeler
“ULTRA-Effective Labeling of Repetitive Genomic Sequence” bioarxiv.
- 2024 | Daniel R Olson, Daphne Demekas, Thomas Colligan, Travis Wheeler
“NEAR: Neural Embeddings for Amino acid Relationships” bioarxiv.
- 2022 | Vishwesh Venkatraman, Thomas H Colligan, George T Lesica, Daniel R Olson, Jeremiah Gaiser, Conner J Copeland, Travis J Wheeler, Amitava Roy
“Drugsniffer: an open source workflow for virtually screening billions of molecules for binding affinity to protein targets” Frontiers in Pharmacology.
- 2018 | Daniel R Olson, Travis J Wheeler.
“ULTRA: a model based tool to detect tandem repeats” BCB Proceedings
Scholar Profile
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